We undertake to support you in your legal disputes concerning tax and financial issues, by cooperating with your legal advisor or even by recommending you to another of our specialized associates. In more detail, our services on this include:

  • Judicial expertise
  • Technical advisor reports
  • Presence as a special witness in court
  • Appeals to the Dispute Resolution Directorate
  • Tax & Customs appeals
  • Complaints & Appeals on labor issues


The appointment of an Expert is a procedure that is found in all areas of law, for matters relating to the competence of Civil, Administrative and Criminal courts. The court may appoint one or more Experts, if it deems that these are matters that require special knowledge of science or art in order to be fully understood. The role of the Expert is of catalytic importance for the shaping of the court decision and he becomes an important factor of the trial, as in practice his opinion answers the questions and inquiries raised by the court. In addition, the Expert is the only third party other than the litigants and the Prosecutor, who may express unreservedly his personal judgments and assessments on matters pertaining to his specialty, helping each Judge to rule on the dispute.

In this light, the Public Prosecutors and the Judiciary of the whole country have repeatedly assigned us to conduct expert reports on high-profile cases of financial crimes and bank scandals that have preoccupied the general public. In addition, Greek judicial authorities have entrusted us with many other everyday financial cases such as: disputes over post-divorce claims, bank charges audit, disputes between Partners/Shareholders, false and fake invoices, company valuations, commercial disputes, financial fraud etc.

Thus, having the necessary specialized knowledge and experience, you can trust us and appoint us privately as Experts/Technical Advisors for any tax, financial or business matter that concerns you in court. In this capacity, we are competent to prepare special reports supporting your case, but also to appear in court to testify in your favor as Technical Advisors, always in cooperation with your legal advisor.

Complaints & Appeals

It is a fact that with the onset of the economic crisis, social security institutions and the tax and customs authorities, have intensified their audits in order to support government revenues. However, these audits in many cases, result to the imposition of fines that either are huge or lack legitimacy, giving the citizen the right to take legal action against their enforcement.

In this regard, having more than thirty years of experience in the area of accounting, tax, social security and customs, we help you to successfully appeal to the Administrative Courts against any penalty charge notice imposed by the Administration. Especially for tax fines, the citizen should first appeal to the Dispute Resolution Directorate (DRD) within a certain period of time from the notification of the penalty, and then, if this is rejected by the DRD, to appeal to the Administrative Courts. Please note that we can either collaborate with your legal advisor or recommend you one of our specialist consultants.

As regards cases of development laws or false and fake invoices, where there is a charge of illegal property gain and damage to the Greek State, we have solid experience in these areas. In addition, if any criminal liability has arisen from your participation in a company with debts to the State, we propose to you groundbreaking solutions in order to disengage from any unpleasant future situations. Besides, we are able to testify as your defense witnesses during the judicial process.

For any problems or questions do not hesitate to contact us