We support you in your new investment initiative whether it is limited or extended budget. Holding a high level of technical skills and know-how in the investment sector, we offer you a wide range of services as follows:

  • Investment Law subsuming
  • Supervision of investment project
  • Due diligence audits
  • Feasibility/Viability studies
  • Business valuations
  • Competitor analyses
  • Utilization of EU funding opportunities
  • Tax incentives for Foreign Direct Investments (FDI)

Investment programs

Nowadays where funding for existing or start-up businesses is extremely limited, investment programs are one of the most important development tools. The current Development Law, the NSRF programs and many other subsidized programs, have multiple benefits for domestic entrepreneurship. Thus, in collaboration with our specialized internal and external partners, we ensure the successful placement under all grant programs and the completion of your investment plans, concerning either newly founded business or modernization/expansion of an existing one.

Our consulting services cover the full range of an investment program (planning-implementation- completion), and of course including the supervision of the project at all its stages. It is also worth noting that the feasibility/viability study that we prepare for you, plays a catalytic role in an investment in order for it to be crowned with complete success.

If you want to invest in special categories such as research, innovation and technological development, we are able to fully meet your expectations. Finally, since recently the purchase, renovation or construction of real estate in Greece constitutes an excellent investment opportunity in the tourism sector, our cooperation with the most reputable real estate agents and civil engineers in the domestic market will be very useful for you.

Mergers and Αcquisitions (M&A)

If your investment concerns the acquisition of an already existing business, due diligence audit is necessary and plays a major role in the acquisition process. Through this special audit, we assess the financial, tax and legal status of the company under acquisition, and we prepare for you a detailed investment memorandum that discuss the merits and considerations, as well as the opportunities in relation to the intended transaction. Inter alia, having completed the due diligence audit, we shall be able to inform you about the financial health of the company, the future cash flow and dynamics, as well as various other critical corporate information.

Valuating a business is also very important for the investor’s decision on whether to put money or not into a company. In this frame, our considerable experience enables us to evaluate the investment opportunities using special financial instruments and approved methods, including investment/divestment modeling and other qualitative and quantitative analyses.

Finally, reviewing the competition is another essential parameter that should be taken seriously when deciding to proceed with or reject an investment. Having served in large groups of companies and international consulting firms for more than 30 years, we identify for you the strengths and weaknesses of your potential competitors through relevant analyses and studies for benchmarking purposes.

Specific investment incentives

It is a great challenge for us to find capital for medium-sized and large businesses (start-ups or not), as well as to support new investment projects. In this light, we utilize innovative EU funding opportunities, aimed at boosting domestic growth and entrepreneurship. We get in contact with domestic and foreign banks, and we achieve financing on preferential loan terms for investment projects of any budget.

Finally, the legislative interventions that have taken place in order to attract new investments in Greece from foreign nationals, are really important. We inform you in detail about them and for any upcoming major updates, while we undertake the placement of your investment under the relevant legal frameworks according to which:

a. Third Country Nationals (TCN) are granted a residence permit for a certain period of time when investing in real estate (e.g. Golden Visa), equities or bank deposits.

b. Significant tax exemptions are provided when the tax residence of foreign nationals is relocated to Greece (Non-Domiciled Resident or Non-Dom).

For any problems or questions do not hesitate to contact us